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Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
NoGi Classes

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes are a great way to get in shape, make new friends, manage stress, and to learn self defence.

In NoGi Jiu-jitsu, you wear shorts and a t-shirt as opposed to a traditional Gi.

This class is suitable for men and women of all fitness levels and no previous training experience is required.
Zombie Proof No-Gi Jiu-jitsu class
What are people saying about
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Gi Class?
I train Gi and NoGi classes. Jiu jitsu makes my life problems and struggles melt away... They no longer exists when I’m training.

Victor W Boudreau
Zombie Proof Student

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is for everyone.
Try a class and see for yourself!